
Postgraduation Committee (CPG)

The CPG — the deliberative body of the Program — is constituted by the Coordinator and the Deputy-Coordinator of PPGIS, a permanent professor of each research line of the Program, and their respective deputies, as well as a student representative of the regular student body and its deputy.

Committee Chair
Profa. Dra. Suzana Reck Miranda

Committee Deputy Chair
Profa. Dra. Flávia Cesarino Costa

Full members
Profa. Dra. Luciana Sá Leitão Corrêa de Araújo - Representing the History and Politics of the audiovisual research group
Prof. Dr. Leonardo Antônio de Andrade - Representing the Audiovisual Narrative research group
Letícia Gomes de Assis – Student representative

Deputy members
Prof. Dr. Samuel José Holanda de Paiva – Representing the History and Politics of the audiovisual research group
Prof. Dr. Alessandro Constantino Gamo - Representing the Audiovisual Narrative research group
Maxwell Tomaz Assis de Souza - Student representative