PPGIS is a postgraduate program, with a focus on research, and is inserted within the main area of Communication and Information. The program has a singular concentration area, which even gives its name: Image and Sound (Imagem e Som). Given the breadth of the Communication field and fulfilling the need to delimit the research to allow deeper scientific investigations, PPGIS projects are exclusively focused on AUDIOVISUAL and its undeniable centrality in language and culture. As a result of these characteristics, the Program seeks to qualify future academic professors in audiovisual studies and, to a smaller extent, for professionals who need more refined training in the audiovisual field, such as public managers, curators, cultural programmers.
PPGIS believes that, on one side, the present is made by a critical knowledge about the past and, on the other, by the certainty that the present transformations, very much marked by the audiovisual presence, shape the future of society. To balance this equation, its faculty is composed of renowned researchers whose academic work is distributed in a wide range, going from the beginnings of cinema (in Brazil and worldwide) to the most recent audiovisual platforms, experiences and narrative regimes (and in a highly globalized context).